Get started with the Gengo API
A high-level overview of how the Gengo workflow is implemented.

2. Client libraries/SDKs
Grab our Python, PHP, Node.js, Java and Ruby client libraries straight from GitHub

Submit text for translation
- Using the POST /translate/jobs/ endpoint, send text strings for translation.
- You’ll receive an order_id back from us along with the total cost.
- When you submit the order, add a callback_url and store any information that links the content back to your system as custom_data. This is often an ID to a record in your own database.

Check the order status
- The GET /translate/order/{id}/ endpoint lets you request an update on an order from our system.
- You’ll receive a list of statuses containing job_ids that indicate how far along an order is.
// Currently being processed by our system
jobs_queued: [11234]
// Currently are waiting for a translator
jobs_available: [11239, 11244, 11344],
// Currently being worked on by a translator
jobs_translating: [11276, 11299],
// Currently are waiting for review by customer
jobs_reviewable: [11218, 11213],
// Currently completed Jobs
jobs_approved: [11202, 11204, 11209]

Get the completed translation
- As soon as a translator has finished the work, we’ll send the translation back to the callback_url you provided.
- Take a look at the custom_data for the job sent and you’ll be able to relate the translation in body_tgt back to your system.
- You can also access the jobs at any time by using their job_id and the GET /translate/jobs/{i,d,s}/ endpoint

Other considerations
Quality level
Choosing the right quality level for your content is an important step to get the translation you need.
Instructions & context
Gengo’s translators need context and instructions for the content you’ve sent. This can include images, style guides and links.
Automated revisions
Gengo’s API supports a revision workflow to perform your own automated quality checks when the translation is sent back.
Grouping related content
Grouping strings like a blog title + body or specs + product name + product description helps maintain consistency in the translation.
To help maintain consistency across terms in a translation, submit a glossary_id. Our translators will always use the glossary term.
Specialist content
Gengo is not a specialist service and we cannot handle highly technical or specialist text. We’re happy to introduce you to one of our partners.
For more information, view the links below
Developer documentation
Ordering options
Endpoint index
Language pair service
API sandbox environment
API pricing