Olé, Olé, Olé! A World Cup Infographic

As an avid world soccer fan and Gengo’s Art Director, I’m excited to present our very own infographic dedicated to the World Cup: Timeline of Champions: 85 Years of Soccer.
I grew up in Switzerland, where soccer is a national pastime. In grade school, I remember trading soccer stickers with classmates during recess, collecting players and teams from different countries. One of my happiest moments from those years was adding the most envied find of all to my collection—the great Swiss player Stéphane Chapuisat.
FIFA is big in my country, both because its headquarters are in Zürich and because we’re home to people from all over Europe. During the World Cup there are parties everywhere, and not just for the Swiss team—you’ll find people rooting for Italy, Portugal, Germany, France, the Netherlands and everyone in between. After matches, people downtown even have a hard time sleeping because of the cheering that lasts through early morning.
One week after this year’s kickoff in Brazil, we’ve already witnessed some great moments from every country, from Neymar’s first goal for Brazil to Portugal’s big defeat against Germany. After falling in love with Dutch total football from watching Patrick Kluivert and Edgar Davids, the unexpected win of the Netherlands against Spain has personally been my favorite moment so far.
Our infographic takes you on a journey through World Cup history, highlighting twelve of the top countries playing in this year’s tournament. We included over 30 facts that, while fun on their own, double as great halftime trivia, too.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Translated by Gengo, our infographic is available in nine languages.
Share it with fellow fans worldwide!
English (US)
English (UK)