Category: Ecommerce


2017 Mobile Shopping Trends

We’ve shifted into mobile-first lifestyles. Smartphones are capable of providing the news, helping us communicate globally and giving us a platform to shop for whatever we want from the palm of our hands. Mobile shopping is huge. More than 60 percent of smartphone users have made an online purcha...



Why you should sell internationally during the holidays

If you’re not selling overseas during this year’s holiday season, you’re missing out. Ecommerce sales in the US alone are expected to jump 16.6% during the 2017 holiday season, motivated by increases in mobile commerce and the intensifying online battle between large retailers and digital marketp...



Five tips to boost global ecommerce sales this holiday season

As of last year, the overwhelming majority of U.S. shoppers are buying online, and ecommerce sales worldwide hit a record high of $1.3 trillion. The news couldn’t be better for ecommerce predictions for ecommerce sales this holiday season—global sales are expected to grow 6.4%. But just because t...



Translation tips for selling to Japanese customers

Is Japan on your list for global expansion? It definitely deserves a spot. The Japanese ecommerce market is expected to grow from $52 billion to over $80 billion over the next five years, according to a report by A.T. Kearney. Exponential eretail growth, along with intensified localization effort...



Launching global websites in the French market

The 103rd Tour de France is well underway, with almost 200 cyclists covering 2,200 miles around France over the course of three weeks. The world’s biggest cycling race is being broadcasted to over 190 countries, attracting millions of viewers both domestically and internationally. France is the s...



Technical do’s and don’ts for global ecommerce

Content management is simple in your home country. Your ecommerce website typically does everything for you except write the content itself. But when expanding into foreign markets, you’ll be confronted with technical decisions you’ve never faced before. All of a sudden, content management goes f...


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