✨ Gengo’s 3 most popular translation & language articles in 2018

Curious which of our blog posts got the most attention in 2018?
Take a look at Gengo’s most popular blog posts of the year.
1. Post-edited machine translation (PEMT) and the evolving role of translators
Post-edited machine translation (PEMT) is a type of translation that requires the reviewing, editing and correction of machine translations by a human to achieve a better output. When using machine translations (MT), post-editing is necessary. Translators need to compare the MT to the source text and check for accuracy and clarity before deciding to improve or even retranslate the text. PEMT is thus ideal for high-volume, cost-efficient projects that have tighter deadlines yet require a higher level of accuracy than the output of raw MT.
2. 16 Best Translation Management Systems
Translation management systems are essential for managing high volumes of translation projects. If you’re planning to translate your website or product, perhaps you’ve already considered using a translation management system. But did you choose the right translation management system for your specific project needs?
3. 16 Best Translation & Language Influencers to Follow on Twitter
In the translation industry, there is always more to learn. Keeping up with the latest technological trends and industry standards can seem like an impossible task, especially if you’re just a beginner in the field. That’s why we at Gengo created this list of 16 active translation and language accounts to follow on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news. If you don’t already, follow Gengo’s official account too!