New group job workspace

We’re excited to announce a new group job workspace for translators.
We’ve completely revamped the design, using your feedback and user research to inform our decisions at every stage. We also spent time to upgrade the core technology, making it reliable and fast.
The new workspace is streamlined to focus the eye on what matters most: translating. It’s a new visual framework that allows us to easily add features and customization in the future. Exciting!
We’ve outlined the major changes below, and created a forum article with more detail. Change can be hard, but you’ll get the hang of the new workspace quickly. Once you try it, you’re going to love it.
Layout redesign
Jobs are now presented in a vertical rhythm (in the old interface, they were side by side). A radical choice, but research shows small segments of text (3-4 lines) are much easier to read and translate, if presented like paragraphs in a body of text. The majority of Gengo group jobs are 50 words or less, so we believe this presentation will significantly increase efficiency and ease of use.
Readability is further improved by using an optimal line length (based on industry standards) and color differentiation for triple brackets and HTML tags.
Finally, we’ve tucked away visual distractions such as job metadata and comments behind easily accessed tabs.
We know that submitting jobs was one of the biggest pain points for translators. So. Much. Clicking.
But now, instead of submitting each individual job, you can “validate and submit” multiple jobs at once. Previously, a 10-job group would take up to 25 clicks to submit. It can now be submitted in one. A great leap forward.
We want you to be able to work “mouse-free”— to be able to start and finish a translation job without leaving your keyboard. So, we’ve developed a series of shortcuts for common actions such as moving to next job, validating and copying and pasting source text to target.
Thanks for your feedback
We’re launching the new job group workspace in English first, and all English accounts will automatically switch today. For a limited time, you will be able to revert back to the old version.
You can let us know what you think of the new workspace here.
Last but not least, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our user testing team— Adriana, Benito, Carolina, Daniel, Emmanuel, Isabel, João & João, Katja, Luisa, Maren, Minna, Misty, Mohamed, Rainer and Randi— who gave the new workspace a test drive and helped us make some important changes.
Their reaction? Super positive. As Misty said, “I have to say, I think this is going to be a great improvement over the old one!” We agree and hope you do too. 🙂